If you approach our company to book and meet one or more of our escorts over a period of time, the following are the type of details that we will require so that we can arrange for your booking.
The following information are required for existing customers looking to set up a meeting. If you are a first time customer instead, then more information will be required for the first time and the article explaining first time customer verification process is explained in a separate article.
Date of the desired appointment
Firstly, we will need to know the exact date you wish to meet the escort, if you are not wanting to meet today. While the vast majority of our customers make appointments for the same day, there is a tiny minority of our clients who make appointments in advance.
For advance meetings, we will require a prior deposit to either our UOB corporate banking account or to our corporate Paypal address. Regardless, if you are thinking of an advance meeting, then make sure to decide on the exact date you would like to meet one of our models before contacting us to set up a date. The reason for this is because the availability of the ladies vary from day to day. So, if you are going to be in Singapore for a few days for a business trip, you could either decide exactly beforehand, or simply contact us on the day itself.
Desired time of the booking
Secondly, if you can only meet during a particular time for the day, evening or night, please indicate that to us during the booking. Some customers are available to meet anytime as long as it is for that same day. In such cases, if you absolutely do not have preferences for timing, then it does not matter, and this is not applicable for you at all. However, if you are only able to meet at a particular time, for instance, 8pm, then please indicate prior to us, and we will try to arrange for the desired escort, or other highly recommended and available ladies at that time.
The meeting location and postal code
Thirdly, please provide us with the exact meeting point and location in Singapore. Some customers may wish to always meet at the same place every time, while other customers want to meet at different locations every single time! Therefore, please indicate the exact meeting point to us each time you book, so that we will advise you accurately on the availability of the ladies. Traffic in Singapore can also be very congested sometimes, and especially during peak hours, so we will need this to provide a smooth and happy experience for you by providing an accurate time estimate.
As you can tell from the above, the details we require each time for existing customers is very simple, but specific. This way, we can advise you who is available in the shortest possible time so you can make your decision and have a smooth booking!