How To Find Real And Legit Escorts

Finding real and legit escorts who look like their images and fit their descriptions can be hard. Here is where and how to get such ladies.


Agencies are businesses that provide a roster of escorts for customers to choose from. They typically handle the logistics and bookings. Since most of them do manual verifications for the way their girls behave and looks, you will be able to find real escorts through them. For example, our company manually verifies the looks and identity of all of the women who work with us. Therefore, if you are in Singapore, you can definitely find real escorts in Singapore through us.

Verdict: Usually very dependable way to find legit escorts. Just make sure to do your own research online about the business and make sure it is reputable and trusted before using them.


Many freelance or independents have their own websites. These websites usually provides info about the person, the location(s) she services as well as her photographs and rates. Most of these self-hosted sites by freelancers do provide relatively accurate information, so you can find legit providers this way.

Verdict: Usually a good way, but look out for heavily airbrushed images.

Social media

Some escorts use social media platforms to advertise and connect with potential customers. Platforms like Twitter (now known as X) and Instagram have been used for this purpose. Although in recent years, Instagram has very strict content policies, so it is significantly harder to find escorts on it. You can definitely get and find legit escorts on Twitter or X. However, the downside is that using Twitter or X to find escorts is a very inefficient way to do it. This is because platforms like that are international, so while you may find real and legit escorts, they would usually not be located at your city or country.

Verdict: Useful, but inefficient.

Classified ads

You will usually be able to find listings for escorts under the personals segment of classified ads. In fact, one of the biggest classified ads website which listed escorts was Backpage, which is now shut down. However, due to the unregulated nature of classified ads sites and potential legality questions of their listings, you are strongly recommended to avoid them. This way, you will avoid bumping into any kind of cops or police pretending to be an escort. Additionally, there has been countless reports of fake info on classified ads sites.

Verdict: Avoid.


There are many such international directories for escorts to upload their info onto to solicit for customers. While there exists legit and real providers on such directories, they are completely unregulated. Thus, many people tend to find majority of those listed on directories are fake or outdated.

Verdict: Many fake or outdated profiles with no idea to know which is which.

Word of mouth

In certain communities, word of mouth may be a way to find escorts through referrals from friends or acquaintances. Due to the sensitive and private nature of hiring escorts, not many people share with their friends such contacts. However, if you do have a trusted friend or acquaintance with such a referral, and he was trustworthy, then it could be a good way to find real escorts.

Verdict: Good way to do so. Just make sure you have similar preferences in a lady as your friend or acquaintance does. Otherwise, you will be getting a woman who is totally not your type at all!