Impmm is most certainly a name you have read about if you tried searching for call girls. However, should you really visit Impmm website and be a client?
What is Impmm?
Impmm claims to be a website or platform from which you can book girls as your escort. Impmm is also known as 陌陌时代.
Nevertheless, if you tried scrutinizing, you will soon realize Impmm is in actual fact an online site in Singapore which is involved in promoting as well as soliciting sexual services of prostitutes.
Prostitutes provide sexual services for money, while escorts provide time and companionship for money. As you can tell from a screengrab of Impmm’s website below, paid sexual services are being solicited. Since the women in Impmm are selling sex acts for payments, they are prostitutes.
Most of them on Impmm appear to be foreign immigrants, and mainly from places like China and Thailand. It is also likely that they are working in Singapore illegally under tourist visas which do not allow for working.
The positive
1. Impmm is known to many people in the China Chinese community. Thus, there are quite a lot of Chinese girls offering their services on
2. There are quite a number of reviews for several of the girls on impmm. Although their legitimacy can appear doubtful, some potential clients still like to read them.
The negative
Firstly clearly appears to be an online brothel providing and soliciting the sexual services of prostitutes and hookers. This means there is high risk for their site to be shutdown by police. MDA has also blocked website already.
Secondly, the website does appear to try to remove fake photos, details and reviews. However it does not seem effective at it. This means that you may have to meet several dates before you can find a genuine one. This can lead to a bad experience.
Should you use Impmm or sites similar to it?
If the women listed are aged 18 and above, in actuality, you may not get into too big of a trouble. But since the girls listed on Impmm are likely working and soliciting prostitution illegally in Singapore, this means police raids will likely happen against them. To avoid unnecessary interactions with law enforcers and feeling shame if you were caught in the situation, avoid visiting sites such as impmm and the ladies advertised on
It is not recommended to use Impmm or similar sites. After all, there were other sites before them, such as this discussion here on TTVIP, a similar and previously popular site. There are also other currently similar websites such as Sglonelyguy too.
Who should you look for if you want escorts?
What if you actually are looking for a companion instead of a prostitute? If you want an enjoyable and safe experience, then check out our Singapore escorts. Our reputable site has been featured multiple times across many different online mainstream media including places such as Today and Yahoo too.